Faith institutions are the heart of Florida’s communities and a force for service, especially in helping our most vulnerable. We know people of faith are on the front lines, and we want to come alongside them in their efforts to strengthen individuals and families as they overcome barriers to uncovering their God-given potential.
Hope Florida provides faith institutions with a revolutionary new angle for community outreach with their neighbors in need. We aim to break down silos, connect those looking for help with those who have a heart and call to serve, and then get out of the way. Through our CarePortal technology, Hope Navigators identify the needs of struggling Floridians and enter that information into a computer-based network. This allows nongovernment organizations, especially our communities of faith, to respond quickly.
We serve the same populations that many faith institutions already support, including single parents, youth aging out of foster care, parents battling substance abuse, foster and adoptive families, and individuals with unique abilities. Hope Florida greatly values collaborating with Florida's faith institutions and believes they are a vital tool in a Hope Navigator’s arsenal to pave the way for Floridians to overcome barriers and thrive.
How Can Faith Institutions Join Hope Florida?
Join CarePortal
Faith institutions that establish a CarePortal profile online can respond to unmet needs within their community. Through CarePortal, a point of contact at your faith institution will receive real-time alerts to assist Hope Florida recipients with their unique needs, such as delivering a meal, bed, or diapers.
Join the Hope Florida Network
If your faith institution has a dedicated ministry or associated nonprofit, you can register with the Hope Florida Network to receive referrals from Hope Florida. This will allow Hope Navigators to contact your organization when identifying relevant resources for a local Floridian or family. By joining the Hope Florida Network, we ensure that Floridians in your community know the specific services and help your nonprofit organization provides.
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Hope Florida by the Numbers
Floridians referred
Hope Florida Network partners
Faith-based partners
Floridians with reduced reliance or no longer relying on public assistance